Monday, January 18, 2010

(picture lifted on blog -- pretty sure he lifted it off of someplace else)

It's been coming on for a couple weeks now -- snide little comments, sighs when things aren't done correctly, reprimanding me for putting the knife in the dishwasher after he told me he thought we should hand-wash our knives. These really little stupid things that I've been slightly hurt about, then simmering about, then after rolling them around in my brain started to even boil about it. I felt like I couldn't say anything because he's been helping so much around the house since I've gone back to work.
But, I had it, so I said something.....and he goes off on a list of my most horrible transgressions...I leave wet towels on the bed, I leave my shoes on the floor of the closet and don't put them on the shelf blah blah blah, I am, apparently the worse wife EVER....
so I calmly (and I so rarely get to use that phrase while describing myself) say, 'hey honey, I have a list about that long about the stuff that irritates me about YOU. I just choose to keep it to myself, because they don't mean anything'
pregnant pause
"Well, you should tell me, then we can criticize and degrade each other, it's how it's done....duh" and he comes over to me and hugs me.....
Which made me laugh.....
and now I'm not mad anymore.


Rock Chef said...

You are the worst wife ever?

Wet towels and shoes?

Is that it?

I think he needs to be educated about what a bad wife is really like!

Glad things are OK now!

Colleen O said...

I think it was in the air last week! Maybe a good pillow fight is in need over here.

ganelle said...

Love it! I'm going to put that in my mental storage for "things to use later."

Teresa said...

That is so my husband...he's finally figured out that a HUG will defuse any argument in my book!! You're a good man Jason!!

Mrs. Kravitz said...

This is great. Isn't it nice to be to a point in your relationship where you can laugh and keep things in perspective most of the time? I'm glad that it didn't come to blows, because I'm pretty sure you would have won. :)

OHN said...

Thank you for the line I am going to use the very next time I am told what a disappointment I am as a housekeeper. Seriously.

nani said...

just stumbled upon your blog - I love it, your writing is so natural and REAL LIFE - yay!

tosin said...

I have been known to say, "Stop making me laugh! Can't you see I am trying to be angry here?!"

He knows just the right moves to make. Thank goodness.
