Monday, June 30, 2008

Email Forwards...and other randomness oh, and a contest

I love email forwards. Not the ones that say something horrible will befall you if you don't pray to St. (insert fave Catholic name here) like your whole face being waxed (oh wait, that DID happen to me). I love the email forwards that make you laugh; or the pictures like that freaky restaurant in China where you have to climb a really scary mountain to get there...or that restaurant in Japan that's on top of a crane (or something, you know the ones, you've probably have gotten those emails yourself); and those emails that make you think. I do try and look up the more questionable ones, or the political ones on (great resource if you do get sick of some of those email forwards). Anyhow, I though I'd share one of those email forwards I got and liked... So here you go, I'm forwarding one on my blog:

Just try this. It is from an orthopedic surgeon............ This will boggle your mind (of course, I’m easily boggled) and you will keep trying over and over again to see if you can outsmart your foot, but, you can't. It's preprogrammed in your brain!

1. While sitting where you are at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.

2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your right Hand. Your foot will change direction. I told you so!!! And there's nothing you can do about it! You and I both know how stupid it is, but before the day is done you are going to try it again, if you've not already done so.

I don't actually know if this is from an orthopedic surgeon, but it so works....try it.
Maybe I'll make this a regular thing on my blog...I need a title for it, Oh hey, I will do a contest, the prize will be determined later...what should I call it and what day should I do it....let me know in the comments section.

OK, on to some randomness

So Jason was hemming and hawing about going to the ER last Saturday (where does that phrase come from, hemming and hawing, is that farmer talk?). So I said (not very patiently, I might add)..."Fine, you're worth more dead anyway"

Jason: (in his I'm an engineer and have a superior sense of logic voice) You have to take into consideration that I'm young (I did gaffaw at this point) and have quite a few more years of working.

Me: (did the math for him, because since he is an engineer he has to see the numbers)...See, I'd be one rich widow, so by my making you go to the ER proves that I love you, now get in the damn car.

Him: (silence for awhile..but he did get in the car) I love you too, honey.

And I do love him dearly, it's why I fuss about him. He's my rock.

more parents' bid was accepted and they will be new home owners in the next month or so, here in Colorado...great news for me because I haven't lived in the same city as my mother since I was nine.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

glad to be wrong

It's interesting how when you're in nursing school you see disease and injury lurking behind every ache and pain....normally I can laugh it when Jason asks why my back hurts, I answer cavalierly "end stage renal failure" makes him laugh. I don't normally diagnose my family and friends (well as far as they know...I keep it to myself, like when a friend who was hoarse the other day said it could be allergies, but my thought was hmmm, maybe it's a thoracic aneurysm...I kept that thought to myself, because I'd like to keep my friends) Any how...yesterday, Jason complained a bit, and only after some prodding on my part because frankly he's been a bit of a pill the last couple of days, about some abdominal pain....lower right quadrant abdominal pain. I palpated and he had rebound tenderness a bit lower then McBurny's point (how techie do I sound?)...BUT he didn't have a fever and he didn't have any of the other GI symptoms...BUT not everyone has the other symptoms which makes appendicitis so tricky.

So, much to his chagrin, I made him go to the ER.
We were upfront that this was most likely me, student nurse, being too paranoid. I was assured that I had about two more years of being overly careful and then I'll swing to, 'You have to be dieing to get sympathy or treatment from me" They patted Jason on the back and gave him lots of kudos to sticking with me during these 'crazy' years.....But he did have that rebound tenderness, and some iffy blood work (but about his kidneys not about his appendix) So they did a CT scan, and gave him some IV fluids and we sat and sat and sat, played some scrabble on Jason's PDA and sat AND thankfully I was wrong.

woo hoo
Anyhow, he just has to go get his kidney function levels checked with his regular doctor this week. And of course if he spikes a fever or the pain gets worse then we go back. They said they had no idea what the pain was, maybe scarring (Jason gave his mom a kidney 9 years ago and as time goes on scarring can accumulate), it could just be a mild upset that will work itself out, WHO KNOWS....but for now he's okay and NOW HE CAN GET BACK TO REMODELLING THE BATHROOM!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

WW --youth day at the Rockies Game

Home run? Nope, just a crazy five year old!
andrew cotton candy tongue

The boys and cousin Bridget

What's a ball game without cotton candy?

Walking the field..Jake's on the White Sox team and Isaac on the Marlins

Jake and team mates, Andrew and Jake C.

FYI -- Rockies lost 3-1 to the Mets

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

1955 Housewife....was it really this way, or did some wishful thinking guy write this?

you'll probably have to click on the above image to's so worth the laugh!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

WW -- Good bye Papa Irving

Jason's grandfather passed away last week. He would have been 98 on the 16th. It was a blessing, he was ready to go, had been ready for awhile. He'll be able to be with his wife who passed 6 years ago. He was a quiet, studious and observant man with a quiet humor. He brought forth a family of two children, three grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.
He will be missed.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day Pool Fun..or, Yes, Martha, I've finally taken some pictures, so stop nagging....

Chip and Lauren (little girl in Isaac's class, her brother is on Jake's baseball team and also named living in this neighborhood!)
Jason, throwing Abi into the air...
Hmmmm....maybe Isaac's going to be a plumber? Hey, it was the plumber sitting next to me that mentioned it....

Jake, Caity and Miles playing around in the was hard to get Miles, he tried to duck when he saw me coming, yelling, "another mom with a camera!"

Some lounging was going on...Ms. Martha, giving Mr. Chang some alone time....Kevin (of Casa de Colleeno) talkin' on the phone and Kendra, another neighbor, (a non-blogger) trying to get some color.

Some of the neighborhood daddies...Kevin and Abi, Chip and Lauren (who belong to Kendra)
Adult the kiddos are trying to splash Colleeno...who is most likely taunting them about being able to be in the pool while they can't be....
Trying to keep from getting wet? in the pool? hahaha, okay, I know, no one likes to be splashed in the face....

AWWWWW, I LOVE these guys!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Big 4-0

Today's the 0010 Eastern Standard Time...I turned the big FOUR OH.....


Ms. Martha gave me a fantastic party, ms colleen and another non-blogging buddy, katrina made perfect party favors (I'll take pictures later...very clever, crafty ladies) and yes, they made me wear a grass skirt and a plastic coconut bra (it was a luau theme). Mojitos were served, the company was fantastic... even Danielle made her presence known from down-under (sitting in silence from my list of fave blogs below) with a jar of Vegemite via, most likely to follow shortly (or already, I need to go look) via Martha's blog. Thank you so much my dear friends! I love you and I feel very blessed to have you in my life!

I've been a horrible blogger-buddy lately...I'll get back into the game next week!

Oh, yeah and happy father's day to all the dads out there!