Monday, January 15, 2007

Just can't get that tune out of my head....

The assignment---There are some songs that take you back to specific events, places and times. Choose one song (or a few!) that do that for you, and tell us about it.

There's that song about 'tearing down paradise and putting up a parking lot' I have no idea what the name of it is, but it was popular when I lived in Kansas City (Kansas) for a year. Every 6 weeks or so the boys and I would make the 11 hour car trip back and forth to stay connected to our Colorado family and friends. That song would come on frequently and Jake, then 3/4 loved it and I would sing it at the top of my lungs and he would laugh. It was the only song he would 'let' me sing. He sometimes even now asks if we can hear the 'parking lot' song. (If any of you know the name of that, let me know)

Jason and I just saw 'Children of Men' and it took place in 2027. There was a 60-70 year old character who listened to Beatles music and I said to Jason, really, that's going to be OUR age in 2027 and if we were gonna get all nostalgic about music it would be 'Flock of Seagulls' NOT the Beatles (even though I love the Beatles, it's not the defining music of OUR generation). Which brings me to the Wedding Singer. That movie was so much fun because of the music, brought me back to high school. There was no particular moment and high school wasn't really that much fun, but there were days where I would spend the day just listening and dancing to Duran Duran, Thompson Twins and OMD. And then there was Phil Collins, and this may be TMI but he was usually playing during Jason's and my high school 'make out' sessions (yes, sickening but we were high school sweethearts with very little adult supervision.) When I listen to the music it really seems like the Eighties were a pretty naive time.

Greensleeves was the song I WANTED to walk down the aisle to at our wedding but our weird DJ forgot it. We did get to dance our first dance to Unforgettable, by Natalie King Cole. And our wedding was unforgettable but mostly for the things that went wrong, whole other Oprah! and yes, almost 15 years later I can laugh about it! While looking for our prom picture and wedding picture I realized we haven't 'scanned' many of those in yet..ooops AND man I wish I hadn't obsessed about how 'fat' I was in that size 12 (gasp) dress because I would kill right now to be a size 12. Where are my rice cakes? I feel like a nibble.


Martha said...

Ok, I'm not a music diva, but rather a google queen. So, I might be wrong but, I believe the song you are referring to is Big Yellow Taxi recorded originally by Joni Mitchell but the version you sang over and over was recorded by Counting Crows.

Why ask jeeves when you can just ask Martha? :)

Gina Grace said...

Ooo! I like the new template! And thank you, thank you thank you for posting THAT lovely picture, and not any of the ones with your now-handsome brother who was going through a seriously awkward stage at that time...