I love my neighborhood. I've been getting together with a group of women periodically to watch "Big Love" on HBO. We sometimes drink, sometimes don't, sometimes partake in baked goods and we get a bit of a chance to chat it up. Last night, even though the season is over for Big Love, we got together and just chatted. Most of our group blogs (see links below) so we talked a lot of our favorite blogs, we talked about who is doing what to their homes, we talked about our kids. There wasn't a lot of gossip, and certainly not mean gossip. It was pleasant and enjoyable. This is one great group of women. I love them. I can count on them.
Son #1 loved that we were having people over, he organized the kid cookie plate, placed the cookies ever so nicely. He even unloaded the dishwasher, WITHOUT PROMPTING, he pre poured cups of water for the guests and even measured out the water and coffee in my coffee maker for my coffee the next morning. He was adorable. I love him. He and son #2 are my life.
If you've been reading awhile, you know I have these mutant cat tails...THAT I DID NOT MEAN TO PLANT, I BOUGHT LILIES....so the other day there's a package on my door step, I open it up and there's a copper, cat tail torch in there....my first thought was 'Kim" don't know why her name popped into my brain, maybe it's because of her warped sense of humor...(hmm, maybe that's why we've been friends since JR High)...sure enough, I finally found the note, claiming that it would be nice to have a cat tail all year long....ending with a 'hee hee'. So Kim, be glad I don't have time to go find a picture of you from Jr. High, scan it in and post it.....I love her. She makes me laugh.
I am a lucky woman!
So, what good stories did I miss after I left? I thought it was hilarious how so much time was spent on discussing blogs. How can you NOT have time to at least lurk on blogs?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Types the woman with the laptop growing out of her...er, lap! :)
Ummm, Martha - YOU were pretty much the topic of discussion after you left.
Sorry. "Be there or be talked about." (playgroup motto)
Oh Puhlease...I'm secure enough in who I am to know that there are far more interesting things to discuss than ME! I am nothing but a desperate hotwife! .
we pretty much stuck to the neighborhood sociopaths...
and martha if ever we talked about you it would be about how perfect you are and how lucky we are to call you friend...
wow, can i do suck up well or what?
Kissing up or trying to drive your comment count to the level of AT?
it was very nice to walk into the kitchen where little jz was unloading the dishwasher (did he have an apron on? or am I just imagining) - and he showed me his tower of water cups.
He did not tell me how they were measured, but I bet he was dying to!
Yep, I see little JayZ as the Frat House Social director. He showed a real talent in cup stacking: imagine what he can do with a keg of beer instead of a water dispenser???
i'm soooo afraid of what he may do with a keg of beer....
I resemble the remark about trying to up her comment count to compete with me!!! I am the queen (so far) just because you guys like to harrass me!!! So with that I add another comment to the list!
Have we passed the "chicken pot pie" comment total? come on folks, call your operator now...help TZ feel like an insider with comments up the yazoo!
I'm bored and hiding from hubby(he's cranky)
i think the trick to getting a lot of comments is not updating!
which i will do shortly
promises promises!
But, really this is a rather up to date posting. I'm just deciding to make it Pick on TZ week instead of AT!
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