Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The boys and I were watching TV (it's disturbing how many times I start out with that line, but we can discuss my parenting another time) and we saw a boy pinch a girl's behind. I gasped, looked at it as a learning opportunity and told the boys that that was disrespectful (thankfully they didn't point out that daddy does that to mommy all the time) and that girls really really didn't like that and it could end up getting them slapped.

So Isaac says, "yeah, well boys REALLY like it"

hmmm, can't argue with that.

8 comments: said...

Doh... Yeah. I have a boy like that...

We're in trouble.

Teresa said...

OMG...they grow up TOO Fast!! LOL!

Michele said...

With that comment, I think I am glad I was blessed with two girls! Not to worry, I now have a grandson to fill in everything I missed the first time around! LOL said...

Out of the mouths of babes. :)

ganelle said...

YIKES! Watch that one!

terri said...

Some things never change, huh? My hubby still does that to me too. And he gets swatted for it every time.

Dodi said...

Wait... do boys like being pinched, or doing the pinching???

Your boys are great.

tz said...

dodi, in the case of Isaac it would be both...
hey dodi, seriously, I'd be great w/ you as my boy's mother in let's hope for the best...would it be better to have them be friends now, or should we keep them seperated and a chance meeting around college?