I was thinking about just repeating...Dec 9th over and over, that's when I'm done, that's when I'll have a month of freedom that's when I can burn my Pharm book and dance around the flames like some Puritan at a book burning of the Scarlet Letter or something....but if I did the repeating of Dec 9th in may be too reminiscent of The Shining where Jack typed 5 million times whatever it was he typed...but it was creepy and I don't want to be creepy....I just want to sleep.
I'm so procrastinating my final project, I've played of facebook, I'm updating here and saying absolutely nothing, I even cleaned off my computer desk top and organized my word files.
I need help!
Anyway......If I can stay sane until Dec. 9th, I'll be a happy camper......
You're almost there and then homefree. Think of the sweet rewards. Come on, you can do it.
Alas...you have stumbled upon one of the reasons I left nursing school. You are a MUCH better woman than I!!!
You're almost there! You can do it. You're like the little engine that could.... "I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...." You're just a few days away from sleep and it will be so worth it when it's all said and done.
Hey, my niece just found out a couple of weeks ago that she gets to do a rotation at Children's Hospital in Boston!! She'll be there beginning in March - and is so happy!
She can't imagine being in nursing school and managing a family at the same time. She said it's hard enough just being 22 and having it be her only priority - so I admire you a TON for what you are doing! You are a remarkable woman, and December 9th is but minutes away really.
Yeah, you can do it! We are all out here rooting for you!
Give me a "T"!
I love the photo you found to attach to this post...it summs up nursing school to a T!
My house was always cleanest right before an exam. They bill were always paid most late following siad esam...oh well.
A month off school will be heaven. You'll do great!
You can do it, tz. Just a few more days. Just pry open one matter-encrusted eye and you'll be able to see a faint light at the end of the tunnel! :)
You are SOOOOOO close to SLEEP and RELAXATION!! You can do it!! I know you can!!
Ok...it's the 9th here in AU, so I am guessing in a few hours it will be the 9th over there in the USA.
I just had to say....congratulations and what a sigh of relief....
reminds me of a joke I once heard....
Did you hear about the nurse that died and went to hell ?
Took her 3 weeks to realise she wasn't at work !
Enjoy enjoy enjoy xoxoxox
Did you make it?!?!? Congrats!
Hey Hopefully you made it!!
I can remember this period of time in graduate school...I have a friend who is a nursing instructor. This is not an easy course of study!. Take heart!. It is time limited!Great photo. A post many of us can relate to.Come and visit my space and say hello as you recover!
damn you can do this .... seems like its just too much but i know you can even thought i don't know you .. alot of things seem like hell but u can get through them good luck
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