I thought I was being indulgent by paying more then 10$ for coffee from Ubergeek Coffee (and thanks Jenn, it really is yummy). But there's this coffee called Kopi Luwak that sells for $120.00 to $600.00 a pound. Here's the ick factor, it's first eaten by a tree-dwelling cat-like creature called an Asian Palm Civit. Somehow the outer covering is removed and digested while the rest of the bean is passed through whole and perfectly ready for roasting.
What I would like to know is who was the one to decide..."hey look, that creepy looking animal just pooped out some beans, maybe I should roast them and try them"
While discussing this with Jason, he said, "That guy must have been totally 'jonesing' for a cup of brew"
Or maybe (my theory -- yes, Jason and I really do talk about nothing important most of the time) was that two guys, half-drunk started daring each other.
Notice neither Jason nor I assumed it was a woman who would do something so disgusting.....
Anyhow...This rates right up there with Rocky Mountain Oysters no matter how many times someone tells you how good it tastes, I can't get over where it's been before it's been in my mouth.
I don't drink coffee, so I will never be tempted to drink this stuff - thank god! How can you drink it, knowing the process?
I'll I can say to that is "ew". I'm glad I don't drink coffee!
OK, new "Worst Job in the World": extracting the undigested bean from the cat droppings.
WAYYYYYY beats working the fry-o-lator at McD's.
An asian palm civit?...it sounds like a topical disease...
I would want it to drive me to work for that price...LOL
Thank gawd I drink tea....
Give me my $5 per can Folgers any day of the week, thank you!
And I've never heard them called "Rocky Mountain Oysters", around here we call them Prairie Oysters, but it's the same thing.
My husbands parents were once at some festival down in the states and came back with a t-shirt for him that said "I ate balls at the Testicle Festival" - I laughed my ass off, but he won't wear it.
Yuck. I hope I never find out Dunkin Donut passes their beans through, say, a stray cat before roasting them, because I love their coffee! (But I make it at home -- cheaper.)
This is where the "I don't drink coffee" really pays off.
Um HELLO...chickie, drink a little coffee and update the blog.
Your favorite heckler...
I'm guessing the Asian Palm Cavit might be a relative of the creepy freaky 3 toed Sloth? In looks anyway!
half past....thank...I've been picking out the ones that die...so they still look pretty good.
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