Thursday, May 01, 2008

Happy May Day

May 1st? Snow! What?


Anonymous said...

Oh no, frost on the ground I hope the flowers and plants are OK.

Thanks for commenting on my serial fiction blog. You will slowly learn about those first few months after the virus as the story progresses.

Martha said...

I know...I knew they were calling for precipitation but I was hopeful they were wrong. The sinus headache that woke me from a deep sleep around 4 a.m. told me NOPE, they are right...but maybe this moisture will help with the sinus headaches I've had because I"m DONE...

(PS: I know all about paybacks, rest assured, you photo will not be posted on my blog unless it is a good picture of you!)

Rock Chef said...

I am now wondering what the summer will have in store for us - Floods? Drought? Mega storms?

tz said...

marsha...the only thing in bloom right now are the hearty early spring worries

martha...i was so hoping they were wrong the point that the kiddos only have sweat shirts with them...ooops, bad mom!

rock chef...I'm complaining, and it may be a bit late for a spring snow...but it's been know to snow here in june, so i guess i'm just a big whiney baby...hopefully it's not an omen for more freaky weather...knock on wood...

ganelle said...

Soooo annoying! We keep staring up the sprinklers, then draining them out, then starting them up again, only to drain them out once more...