Dear Teenaged driver in the brand new Volkswagon Jetta,
I am so sorry that you turned left while I was turning right. You may want to review that driving rule book you probably didn't actually read before you took your driving test you probably barely passed. And by the way, speeding up to cut me off because you wanted the outermost lane that I appropriately turned into, is NOT a good idea when you are ONE block away from a know, where CHILDREN will be walking. I realize that you most likely are over privileged (I'm assuming you didn't pay for brand new Jetta yourself) and my mom-mobile may be offensive and you probably didn't know that I would share my lane with you and therefor thought you had to take it, like the spoiled brat that you appear to be. What I don't understand is why you had to lift your hand out the sun roof of your very cool black Jetta and flip me off (by the way, another note from the rule book, hands at the 10 and 2 position, there are no exceptions for flipping people off). I hadn't honked at you, I didn't even raise my hands in the What the H... position, I'm assuming it was the screeching of my tires that was horribly offensive to your ears that prompted the gesture...and by the way, let me remind you dear Jetta driver, there were CHILDREN in the area.
Someone who wishes I knew your mother and would tell her what you did and if she's not the overindulgent woman I guess her to be, she'd revoke your privileges until you learned some manners.
That's why my hubby insists we'll be putting those bumper stickers on the vehicles that say "How's my driving? Call 303.33x.-...." (hubby's cell)...
Yikes...but he was probably rushing over to see Ali Lohan who has a 50/50 chance of having an STD according to a recent study released.
Is there room for our boys up in that monastery, somewhere in the middle of nowhere?
no kidding martha...maybe we should start our own commune (but with showers and individual living areas) in the country...dodi's blog mentioned something about cow milking and farming...
yes yes yes...coming from the mother of 3 sons, 2 of whom drive, I cannot tell you how often I have told them that I have spies everywhere and I WILL find out if they drive like little shits.
Lovely. I still think 18 should be the driving age, that may help with the skills...the manners are another question.
Irritating and scary. There's a reason their insurance is so high!
Even worse is when it's a grown adult practically running me off the road, flashing high beams, screaming, and giving the finger as my children look on from the back seat.
"Hey!! I am somebody's mother, you MORON!!!"
See? What did we do before blog-rants???
I told my dd1 about my plan if she turns in to a teenaged live version of a Bratz doll. She? Wasn't too pleased at the thought of shoveling animal poo!
God, I hope my kids turn out to be polite and considerate human beings.
And P.S. You NEED to go read the qc report this week!!!! It's like you are sharing a brain.
LOL...Martha...I was gonna write a comment but your post has me in fits........
Sorry TZ...LOL
I wish it was just teenagers that drive crazy like that in our area. Drivers drive me crazy when they do their running stop so they can cut in front of me.
Stupid drivers in general drive me nuts but teens can be extreemly annoying!
I always wonder if they are over induldged or the kids driving the old beaters just can't perform the manovers in their old beaters! LOL I think it is the over induldged theory myself but the other makes me feel less worried about the world!
Dear Mrs. Z,
I'm sorry about my driving recently. I guess I got flustered when I realized you were topless. And so I pulled in front of you to make sure you knew and to tell you that you were #1 in my book. Of course, I was disheartened when I saw the open containers in the front seat next to you. But once I realized that you were not consuming - but rather the pool boy with you - I felt better again.
Little Johnny
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