This movie was horrible. Really, the only redeeming scene (and almost worth watching the rest of the movie for) was when Alison (cute girl doc who makes lots of silly life choices on Grey's Anatomy) is in the office with her co-workers and female co-worker in a dead pan, expressionless voice discusses how 'fat' Alison is and in another scene talks about how pregnancy grosses her out. Here's the clincher...really, is a hot girl with a promising TV career really going to go for a not so cute, chubby, jobless, pot smoking, no career goal, not even that funny, guy who saves his bong during an earth quake and forgets about pregnant girlfriend? I don't think so! This so had to be written by a man. And the genre should have been fantasy not romance. And hey, it's not like I'm a prude, but sheesh, could they not find any other ways to express themselves then a series of f-bombs. The sad thing is, this could have been a fun film.
Truthfully, I should have been studying.
I should be studying now, but instead I'm now going to watch "Five People You Meet In Heaven" Mostly because Jason and I have a date night soon and I'm hoping to get to the next couple of movies on my Netflix queue. And not because I'm procrastinating cleaning my house or studying...it's for a good cause. No, seriously....
You need to get "27 Dresses". Same silly girl, way cuter co-star, and kind of a cute movie. I have it on my ipod right now, and watch it when I need a little fluff.
Not that I'm trying to distract you from studying....
thanks dodi, I just put it on my queue on netflix (but doesn't come out til the 29th...
and then spent another 15 minutes putting other movies on queue...because they do that, if you like that one, you'll like this one...I finally just had to get off that website...
I didn't like it very much either...I thought I would because it sounded like it could be a sweet romantic comedy. Thankfully it only cost 99 cents at our local new video place :)
Since I am in a house full of males, I usually am out voted in preference of explosions, car chases, spying etc. Figures the one time that I get to pick, it stinks.
I hated it too. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person out there who didn't like it.
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