Wednesday was the kids first day 'tracking back on' school after a break, but instead I took them to my pediatrics class with me so we could practice assessing children. I brought along their cousin, Bridget who was 'tracking off' (year round school, four different tracks, there's always three on and one off). So one of my fellow students was adminstering the
Denver II test to Isaac and she asks him if he knows what a cup is used for and he answers:
You put it on over your underwear and in protects you wee wee.
Well, I guess we should have specified drinking cup....I wonder where that answer places him developmentally?

Afterwards we took a trip to Hudson Gardens. There weren't many flowers out, but the kids had a good time wandering the grounds and of course finishing up with some ice cream. Then I took them to my favorite nursery,
tagawa and each one of them got to pick out a perennial for the garden (Bridget got to take hers to plant in their garden).
All in all, a very nice day spent with the kiddos.
Sounds like heaps of fun...
Wish we had something like this in my course...
I love hands on...
Now I don't feel so guilty for pulling my boys out of school to take a road trip to WY for Diamond's business trip! Excellent!
danielle, it was a lot of fun...there were about 10 kiddos there, we 'taught' them to brush their teeth, we did the developmental testing on the younger ones, and weight, bp, pulse etc on the older ones....
good practice and all the kiddos were good sports.
ganelle...i took the boys out for a week at the beginning of the year to go to seattle for my brother's wedding and the year before took them out for a week to go to Spain...i don't feel bad about that type of stuff...they're hardly EVER sick so they probably still miss less school then some...
Ha-ha. Isaac is so funny. Sounds like a fun day and you can't go wrong with ice cream.
hm, note to self, "don't let kids share cup with ZZ
Good point. They have only missed one day each for sickness. And we're only going for a day. Maybe if I throw in something educational? Does anything like that even exist in Laramie?
But the teacher in me still feels a tad guilty...
That sounds awesome!! How fun for the kiddos!
Love the "cup" story. Kids really do say such "quotable" things!
Great pictures.
Sounds like a near perfect day...
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