Friday, April 27, 2007

Some days.....

Today I had Abi over (okay I have Abi over every day during the week, but I DON"T do daycare). She and Isaac were happily playing upstairs (yeah right) and I was cleaning downstairs. I was in the kitchen on the phone with Jason and swoosh, I slip on something wet and fall on my back side, breaking the phone in the process (can still talk and hear, it just now rattles). I'm lying on my back, assuring Jason I'm okay and I feel a drip on my face. I get up (thankful, for once, for my ample tush which helped break my fall) and run upstairs. Adorable Abi and Incorrigible Isaac have flooded the bathroom. After quite a bit of lecturing on my part with some guilt trips thrown in, I clean up and make them lunch. After lunch I tell them to clean up Isaac's room. Every so often I call up to them, "Are you cleaning" they answer "yes". About 15 minutes have gone by and I decide to check on their progress. They are both, head to foot, BLUE. And proud of it. Oh my GOSH. At this point, I'm at a loss for words. I get them one by one into the shower, clean them all off (only washable markers in this house, thank goodness). On the upside, I did get to blow dry Abi's hair and use a round brush and put in some Barrett's---something the boys won't let me do. So after both are dried and dressed I proceed to tickle them while exclaiming that "They drive me CRAZY" They just laughed and laughed. Really, they're 4&5 what should I expect of them?

They did get the room cleaned up though.


valiens said...

I wonder how they decided upon blue. You should show them photos of the Blue Man Group. Or maybe not, on second thought.

Colleen O said...

How is it that Abi is still adorable after flooding a bathroom. I bet Isaac was pretty adorable too. I'm so glad you feel that way - you have my permission to pinch her little turkey thighs.

It must be funnier too when you don't have the holes in the ceiling.

tz said...

Valiens...colleen pointed out that the older kids were talking a lot about their school's spirit day that day ---school guessed it, blue!
glad i have your permission colleen, because I pinch her thighs daily, i can't help myself. so let's see the two have been responsible for a new ceiling at your house and a bathroom deep cleaning at my house and a broken phone...i'm not sure anyone else will let them in their bathrooms...or should.