So Dodi had this cool rating thing on her blog (G) and was so amazed because she uses certain....ummm...language that doesn't, well, seem very G-like. I got on, assuming I would also be a G....and this is what I got...hahahaha, if you only knew me this would seem so damn (oh, not G) funny to you too. The reasoning they gave on the website (click on image to take you there) is because of my pregnant crack ho post.
In class today, I ask Jenn, fellow nursing student, when our check offs for lab are (we signed up for the same day). She answers, Monday. I nod.....then say, 'this coming Monday?' She nods yes. I sit a minute and to someone else entirely I exclaim 'check offs are next Monday!' Jenn laughed. I've been in such DENIAL. And get this...in TWO WEEKS I START MY CLINICAL ROTATION....they're actually going to let us loose with real patients and everything (supervised, of course).
excuse me while I go throw up now.
Wow! September just started and is now immediately over! It's been a crazy month. Were is your first rotation?
Have fun in rotations! I can't wait to read the stories!
Annie has the stomach flu right now. If you need practice with this aspect of nursing you're more than welcome to come over and do your thing. Oh, and bring some towels - I'm running dangerously short!
Yep, Tracey, take Dodi up on her offer...it'll help you get started on New Nurse Initiation: you must have every bodily fluid released on you in your first year. Extra points if they tinkle on you after having had a contrast study and your shoes get taken away because they are now radioactive (don't ask me how I know such things).
At least you got pg...I got rated R...yes true as I type here...
I am still getting over that rating.....
Good luck on clinicals, I want to hear all about it...what ward did you get?
i got porter hospital rehab....
sorry dodi, that sucks! I have had lots of experience with bodily fluids with the two kiddos, pee, blood and throw up no longer gross me out
pus....blek, that's what i still need to get over.
and martha...oh my, good to know.
Sitting....R? really?
Um, hello...while this is all very interesting, it is now 20 September and I was looking for some sort of insightful posting about what you were doing 5 years ago? Or, you just going to fail to mention this day and add it to your youngest's list of why he'll need therapy?
Just kidding...hope the dude had a happy birthday!
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