We're going to work on the master bath project...woo hoo do we know how to celebrate.
The best conversations happen in the car....
Jake: Sometimes I want to be a girl (what every mom wants to hear)
Isaac: hahahahahahahaha, no you don't
Jake: Seriously, girls have great toys, sometimes I want to play with them.
Me: Well, what toys?
Jake: Like polly pockets
Me: We can get you a polly pocket, you don't have to be a girl to like that.
Jake: No, I'd be too embarrassed...
Isaac: I play with polly pockets and Caity and Abi's house...I pick them up and I CRUSH them
I think I'm more worried about Isaac's response...
Have a great fourth, stay safe and don't eat too much BBQ
Kids...so innocent and pure...and not yet contaminated by the world...LOL!...you just gotta love em!
My Jake, who's now 17, had a friend, Charlie when he was younger. Whenever Charlie came over he'd say, let's play with your sister's Barbies! Charlie grew up to be a nice, sweet, normal kid. So no worries.
P.S. My daughter outgrew her collection of 16 million Polly Pockets and accessories if your Jake is interested. :-)
Hey, come on over! We're stuffed to the gills with Pollys and such. They can even play dress up! (You'd be surprised how many little boys don the princess dress up clothes. WAY more than you would think!)
My boys have had conversations that are similiar. It's so funny how they sex-stereotype themselves. I say, have a ball with Polly Pockets!
oooh - now I know what to get him for his birthday!! hahahaha
oh, alright. I won't make him die from embarassment (for your sake TZ - he'd never forgive YOU!)
I think I can find my own "Free to be You and Me" record somewhere- one of my favorite songs was "William Wants a Doll." At the time, i didn't really "get the song"- probably because I figured anyone would be crazy NOT to want a doll. Dolls rule!
Funny. My son likes to play with his sisters' toys too, but he likes his boy toys better.
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