Dodi's blog
I Predict
My friend sent me an email that we were supposed to fill in with our answer and then pass it on. Well, most of my friends (all what? 4 friends that I have?) usually hate to get these kinds of emails - and I do too. So, I thought I'd blog it. If you want to also blog it - the more the merrier.
(side note here, I do think Dodi has more then four friends!)
1. I predict that my parents will move to Colorado from Spain within the next 6 months to a year and my step dad's brother, will also move here from NC and within a year my brother will leave bartending in Miami and make the move too.
2. I predict that the fake-reality show of the Cavemen from the GEICO commercials will not make it.
3. I predict that even after taking out the mutant Cat Tails that I did NOT plant but are taking over, I will have to continue to do so for a couple years until they are completely eradicated. How the heck did I get those to grow in the semi-arid environment of Colorado is anyone's guess.
4. I predict that the Big Love Finale tomorrow will want me wanting more and I will be very anxious until the new season starts. I predict Bill helps Roman regain his power and Albi is put back in his place.
What do you predict?
Now, the MEME from
Valiens 10 things you love about yourself....sheesh, I think this may be hard to do, but suspect important to do once in awhile.
1. I love that I can laugh at myself.
2. I love that I'm a middle of the road kinda gal and can see both sides of an issue and want to see both sides, but still have an opinion.
3. I love that I'm starting nursing school and taking on a challenge like this, particularly because I'm not one to take on challenges...I'm too afraid of failing.
4. I love that I am able to pick out some great friends.
5. I really love my sense of humor.
6. I love how Jason and I are together (most of the time, there are times when I do a lot of eye rolling)....I love that we finish each other's thoughts, that if something is funny we can look at each other and laugh, that he's analytical and that I use intuition and even after 22 years of being together and 15 years of marriage he still questions 'why' I know.
7. I love that I can laugh with the kids and that they are developing a great sense of humor (can you see a theme here). I LOVE it when I can make them laugh.
8. I love that the kids say they love me more then the stars themselves....even if they sometimes are ornery, I know that they are learning the capacity for love.
9. I'm pretty good at decorating.
10. I love that I'm accepting of many different types of people....even though my choices seem quite conservative and suburban, I enjoy many different cultures and ideas.
OK....if this looks interesting to anyone else, do it and let me know so I can read it on your blog.