Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Blizzard Prep



Woke up at four this morning and no promised snow, made my coffee and started on another batch of cookies (baking not eating), and turned on the news. They say it's biggest blizzard coming this way since the March 2003 (I was in Kansas at that time)....hmmmm, but at 5 still no snow, and I'm dubious. Well, at 5:30 it started snowing, and it's coming DOWN--fast.

I'm amending my to do list today, to get my shopping done today since I'll most likely be 'holed' up tomorrow.
Yesterday...accomplished, NOT MUCH
most of laundry - done
three batches of cookies - done
meeting with friends -done and a lot of fun
upstairs bathrooms -done
Oh, I actually got my first Netflix package and watched the first episode of House, while sorting laundry--but no bon bon eating
still need to go to Target and steam clean the carpets and finish the upstairs
so Today:
getting a crown (and I wish I was talking the jeweled kind)
making up menu for Christmas Eve and shopping list
another batch of cookies
finish the upstairs
nixing the steam cleaning of carpet thing, I'll save that for after the storm.

1 comment:

Martha said...

Gee, I'm feeling rather guilty after reading your very busy blizzard day plans. So much guilt that I'd better drown my sorrows in a 3rd (ok, more like 4th) cup of coffee along with some fresh snickerdoodle cookies.

And then, well, I see an empty couch that looks perfect for a nap spot.

Oh, was that salt I just poured on the bad...:)