Thursday, October 19, 2006

Vino or Armore, what's more important?

Yesterday we didn't do much, but it was the first time Jason, the kids and I ventured out ourselves with out the help of the interpretation skills of my parents or brother. It wasn't as bad as we thought, with a lot of pointing and my very rudimentary Spanish we were able to order lunch, ask for a taxi, and even get that taxi home. This may, however, be the first day I didn't take a picture of us eating food. And as I read my past blogs I seem to have been concentrating a lot on food, and the food probably isn't a surprise for most, but the drinking....what can I say, the Spaniards are up there with the Irish....did I mention that whole Celtic connection? Almost every story my step-father told of his youth started with 'and I was so drunk' (that and 'these roads were all dirt when I was young'). Last night I stayed home with the kids while Jason had some 'adult' time with my parents, brother, Gina and some more cousins. He said that his glass of wine was never empty, but after about three hours of 'dinner' he wanted to come home to me and the kids (he's such a good man!). He said it was impossible to get out of there. Until he and others started to allude to the possibility that he was coming home to some love making. Then it was all jokes, pats on the back and well wishes for him (sheesh it's not like he was going off to war). Now I won't say if this was an 'excuse' or if he really came home to some amore (it's just not that kind of a blog). But it's interesting that the only thing the Spaniards are willing to give up food and wine for is apparently a good roll in the hay. A lot of thin people here, they may be on to something.

Jason the kids and I went to the museum. We didn't understand much but it was fun, the kids had a good time....not a lot of pictures, so I'll just give you a few more from the past few days. Enjoy
We're off to Santiago today --- I just love how that word sounds, Santiago. Tomorrow we fly to Madrid for a couple of days then it's home. I can't beleive it's almost over, it's gone by so quickly and we feel like we've been here forever.


Anonymous said...

Jason, I choose to assume that you did not make up the excuse. And I'm so happy for you (tear welling up in my eye)...

tz said...

Jay, all of the cool things we´ve done and this is when you decide to comment....hmmmmm.

Lisaopolis said...

not only are they totally cute, they look really sweet and well-behaved too! Ok so they are boys, I'm sure like any active, healthy boys, they have their 'moments', but still...hehehe. Great pictures and tales of your trip. I love all the must-stop-for-cafe-con-leche moments because it reminds me of when I visit my friends in Austria and Slovakia--eat, drink, eat drink, eat drink. Life is good!--then when I come back and no one else seems to have time for coffee, I think, thank goodness for overseas visits. Have an enoyable rest of your trip and safe flight home!

Colleen O said...

I think my comments are gone!?! - Maybe I'm having mommy brain. They were nice comments, I don't think they could have been screened...oh well. Beautiful, beautiful beautiful. And I can't wait to see Madrid. Thank you for taking us along on your trip.