Santiago is where the Apostle James is buried. It's an amazing cathedral with many different customs. One of which is you butt your head against a stone pillar in the front of the church, it's shiny where so many people have touched it over the thousands of years the place has stood there.

People take pilgrimages there, they walk there from France. You get a little certificate when you do it....because really, unless you get the paper that says you did it, it's not worth it. At different times, different parts of the Cathedral are open and you can view them, the crypt where the Apostle is buried, behind the altar and the big gilded statue of Santiago (St. James). When you go behind the alter, there's this priest who will bless you. So he did, then he opened his arms wide in the universal hug gesture and I thought, 'oh how friendly', thankfully before I went and hugged him he pointed to the statue (with an energetic head nod and a goofy grin--the priest, not the statue)....So with a giggle of my almost-mistake I hugged the statue. After the church we walked along the cobblestone streets, did some shopping, and yes...dare I say it.... stopped into a cafe for some cafe con leche and tapas (appetizers).
Ah, love the family cafe shot. Looks like someone was getting ready for a Zac attack as you've got your eye not on the picture taker! :)
Bring your MTC to Craft night and I'll work on your Santiago pages. Heck, I"m feeling generous, I might just help you with your Operation Copy Kat (feeling generous this evening!)
ooh - that cafe looks like somewhere I'd just have to stop - how inviting! I'm going to go have a milky cofffee and pretend I'm there. I just wikipediaed "Celtic" by the way, and they never really did say where they came from. Depending on the region and who was calling the "others" celts, they were the gauls, and several other groups too - and it also sounded like it was a loosely used term meaning any aboriginal person - and caveman types - "others". They probably didn't actually invade, just there culture and people spread. But, then it talked about them invading here and there. Still a mystery! Still interesting! Hey, where's the picture of the boat house?
What? No photos of little nephews in Halloween Costumes?? If you want me to test any of their candy for razor blades etc, feel free to send it all my way....
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